Monday, July 11, 2016

Strategies To Improve Performance With Pre-Workout Nutrition

So, probably you might be wondering if you need to have a full or an empty stomach before starting off on your workout for the day? Working out with the right strategies to improve performance is important and you need to be aware of some important things to be able to do it right.

Using the right strategies to improve performance

Sometimes all it takes is some proper knowledge and awareness of how things work, as well as how the body reacts to nutrition, workouts and the basic science of fitness and metabolism.

Pre workout nutrition for optimum performance

Optimizing your pre-workout nutrition gives you the edge of putting the anabolic window to good use at the start of your workout routine.

The most popular concept today is how you can get stronger and bigger as you increase the intensity and volume of training. Research shows that consuming carbs pre-workout has ergogenic effects during a round of high-intensity workouts, thus increasing anabolic activity in the muscles.

If you are planning to train harder at a slightly higher volume, then a proper pre-workout nutrition can be more helpful compared to a post-workout plan.

Pre-workout carbs to improve metabolism and performance

You can use insulin to take advantage of its hormone signaling properties to prevent muscle breakdown and increase muscle protein synthesis while the body goes through fat oxidation. Insulin acts as the stimulant to activate metabolism and tells the body whether to use fat or carbs for fuel.

If insulin is low, the body uses fat for energy and when insulin is high, the body uses carbs for fuel. If you plan to focus on on increasing power and performance, then you should train in a state where the body uses carbs as the primary source of fuel.

Maximizes recovery

The muscles rely heavily on muscle glycogen and blood sugar during a high-intensity workout. During longer durations the same level of workout glycogen and glucose stores begin to drop to low levels, thus, the muscles need more glucose for fuel at high intensity, allowing the body to pump out cortisol and glucagon.

The body then, in turn, breaks down muscles for amino acids to convert them to glucose so the muscles could use it for fuel. So, 30 minutes before the workout, consume around 30 grams of highly digestible carbs and 15 grams of protein to promote insulin response and increase blood sugar before you start training.

Now that you know the basic science in getting optimum effects, begin to work on strategies to improve performance during your workouts.

The post Strategies To Improve Performance With Pre-Workout Nutrition appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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