Monday, September 26, 2016

Getting In Shape: How To Stay Fit At Work

Stay fit at work and say goodbye to boring work hours or sedentary periods when you can make the most out of every opportunity to continue on with your fitness routines by getting your body moving.

Stay fit at work and be healthy

One of today’s rising problem is workplace stress that can take its toll on your body and sap you of your energy that could later end up an unhealthy lifestyle.

In fact, there are things that you can do at work that you think are unlikely but can actually help you manage and maintain your fitness goals even while you are at work.

Not only would you be keeping fit, you may also be breaking the usual work routine to keep you engaged and energized all throughout the day.

Move around frequently

Get up and move around once every two hours, it could be a walk up the stairs to the next department or making an effort to try and do things yourself, instead of calling for your secretary to take some paperwork to the next room.

Brisk walking may help you out so make the most out of it and free yourself from a sedentary workday.

Take the stairs

Try walking a few flights of stairs instead of taking the elevator, the calories that you burn from running can be equated by a few flight of stairs especially when going up.

If your building is way up, take the elevator all the way to the last four or five flights then walk the rest of the way up. You can’t imagine how beneficial it can be for you instead of just standing and waiting inside a moving elevator.

Eat breakfast

Consider your breakfast as your biggest meal of the day, as it can help determine how your stomach tells you when you need to eat. Having a full breakfast often gives you the feeling of being full for extended hours during the day and sometimes even lets you avoid having snacks that could only add more calories.

Make sure to avoid skipping your breakfast everyday.

Drink lots of water

Aside from keeping your body hydrated and refreshed, drinking water can also help you crave less since it fills up your stomach and makes you feel full.

Bring a drinking bottle to work and fill it with water, so the next time that you feel the urge to take a snack, just drink some water and you’ll forget about longing for that sweet or salty treat.

Desk push ups

Take a quick break from working after two hours by going down on the floor and do several push-ups for a minute. Engaging your arms and muscles during those push-ups could even help shape your abs and arms whole you’re at it.

Send your printouts to the farthest printer from your desk

This will help you get up from your seat and let you walk a few meters away and give you a breather from working. Try to walk briskly to up the ante.

Switch hands when using your computer mouse

To get a good balance of activity for both hands at work, try to make use of both your hands to alternately utilize your mouse.

Stand up and stretch

This will help stretch out your muscles after working on your desk for a few hours. Make sure to also stretch your wrists to allow it to have a full range of motion and not be stuck in a single motion all throughout the day.

There’s more you can do at the office so it’s time to get creative and one day you might be surprised to find yourself getting those ripped abs and strong arms all because you are making the most out of your time to not just break the monotony of daily work, but you get to stay fit and healthy.

The post Getting In Shape: How To Stay Fit At Work appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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