Friday, September 16, 2016

Ease Anxiety Through Yoga And Manage Your State Of Mind

Ease anxiety through yoga and break yourself free from your worries or anxieties that often get in the way of your mental resolve to stay fit and healthy.

Ease anxiety through yoga to help you focus on self

It often requires a lot of mental resolve to try and break off from things that cause anxiety to cloud your mind with stressful thoughts.

It may be also responsible for making you feel a bit on the edge at times that a simple nudge could cause you to erupt in a fit of anger or sometimes let you even feel more anxious about things.

Mind you, these things are happening to a lot of people and statistics show that 18.1 percent or around 40 million adults in the United States are suffering from varying levels of anxiety disorders.

If you are between the ages of 18 to 54, you may likely be one of those and it’s about time to deal with it, instead of denial so it can better improve your quality of life.

Yoga and anxiety

Studies show that people nowadays are a bit more emotional and finicky. A large percentage of people, due to cultural differences or even pressures of work and responsibilities, may be susceptible to emotional challenges that greatly affect personal and social behavior.

Social media, for one, is responsible for making people more hooked into it- often seeking for adulation, acceptance or support for something as simple as a famous quotation you shared, expression of feelings and a whole lot more that you hope others would pay attention to and in the end, when you get to have few or no ‘likes’ you tend to feel down.

These things may not be easily wiped away clean, but the practice of yoga can do a lot of wonderful things to make you more focused towards your personal well-being and self-appreciation.

Yoga can be your support structure, it can be your lifeline that can help you cope with anxiety or any stress-related factors that may affect you.

Studies have shown that the meditative approach of yoga has served to reduce stress and anxiety among participant. It has also helped improve their focus on doing tasks as well as increases their thresholds for concentration and peace of mind.

Ways to practice yoga to help ease anxiety

Doing some step by step processes towards doing your yoga routines can help you cope with anxiety. The preparation process itself can be helpful in some aspects as it can start making you focus on a task and diverts your attention from factors that trigger your anxiety.

Develop a plan for your yoga practice

Do a bit of research and focus your attention on what you want to do for your yoga workouts. Make sure to also determine a goal for your yoga practice to ensure that you draw your attention to what you are doing.

Incorporate yoga breathing exercises into your workouts.

Also known as pranayamas, these breathing exercises can help improve your mood as you take in more oxygen into your system. Deep breaths through yoga have been found to increase blood circulation and maximize the use of oxygen for this purpose.

Perform sun salutations as part of your warm up exercises

Do this by incorporating breathing exercises with your movements. Also known a Surya Namaskar, these movements can help you let go of negativity.

Yoga routines that are effective fat burners and muscle toners

The following moves are also effective for helping you stay focused. Make sure that incorporate your breathing sessions during movement transitions and hold positions to enable you to optimize the effects of your sessions.

Plank knee drops

Go to a high plank position with the hands twisted slightly until they both point 90 degrees on both sides. Bring the right knee to the right armpit with the foot off-ground. Drop the knee down to the right then back up the right armpit. Do 10 times on each side and complete 3 sets each.

Crescent lunge twists

Go to a lunge position with the left leg forward with the right leg stretched back. Place your weight on the front heel and the other side with the back and the heel of the foot at the back. With hands held like doing a prayer, twist the upper body across the front leg and the right elbow pushed out the left knee. Hold five seconds and repeat 10 times on each side.

Rainbow side plank

Assume a plank position with the left forearm flat on the ground, then reach your right arm overhead as you lift the right hip up the ceiling return to main position and repeat 10 times with 3 sets.

Dolphin pose pike ups

Go to a forearm plank with the forearms parallel to each other. Walk your feet towards the hands as far as can be possible. The shoulders should always be directly above the elbows. Repeat 10 times and perform three sets on both sides.

Half moon with repeated hip rotation

Stand with feet together but with toes pointed outwards. Tip the upper body forward as you lift the right leg to the ceiling. Rotate the right hip open and upwards with foot flexed and return back. Repeat 10 times on each sides for three sets.

The post Ease Anxiety Through Yoga And Manage Your State Of Mind appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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