Monday, March 21, 2016

Bench More: Get A Stronger Chest

The bench press is one of the most popular strength exercises. However using the same moves more often will lead to a plateau. This will have a negative impact on your strength and muscle development. This article is here to give you six tricks for a stronger chest.

These tricks will target your arms and chest in ways you have never experienced before stimulating growth and making sure that you continue gaining muscles.

Paused Reps.

The bench press will become more difficult if you add a one or three-second pause when lowering the bar. This will make the lift a pure lift since it prevents the transfer of energy as it cuts off the stretch reflex. This strategy can work for any lift.

This is one of the main reasons why powerlifters are very strong. They use this method of lifting more often as it does not give you the options to bounce the bar off your ribs. Using this method, you may be surprised at how much harder the traditional bench press will become.

1.5 Reps.

Your   chest stimulation can be increased  and your workload doubled  using 1.5 reps. To perform this move all you have to do is lower the bar to your chest and perform a half rep. Push the bar off the chest to about 6 or 8 inches.

Freeze and then lower the bar slowly to the chest. Finally, drive the bar up for a full lockout at the top while making sure it is in contact with your chest. That is one full rep. You have to perform six reps per set.

Low Incline Dumbbell Bench Press.

To develop strong, big muscles with a small incline press dumbbells on a bench. Since you are not restricted by the bar, your wrists and elbow will have more freedom helping you reduce shoulder stress. The dumbbells and low incline will target each and every chest muscles individually. This is because the weights are stabilized for a greater workload.

Cluster Repetitions.

If your main goal is to gain strength try maximizing the three rep with the maximum weight. Add short breaks after each and every rep. After this, rack the barbell immediately after the first rep and then rest for 10 seconds.

Repeat the same process after the second rep then move on to your third rep. There is a good chance that you will have enough strength to squeeze another rep or two using this method. This is a great way to overload your muscles using heavy loads.

Floor Press.

The floor press stops your range of motion at 90 degrees. To improve lockout strength and boost the triceps size and strength, use dumbbells and a neutral grip. These are the key players which make for a strong bench and make your upper arm well rounded. 

Barbell Pin Press.

Set the barbell up in the squat cage. Rest the barbell on the safety pins just some few inches below the chest. Set up on a bench under the bar and push the weight up. Lower the bar to the pins. Let it settle and then repeat the process.

One good thing about pin pressing is the fact that you will not have to worry about negative rep making it similar to Olympic lifting. To save energy on each and every rep let the weight crash down to the pins. This makes it very different from paused reps since the remaining tight will no longer be a bother through the negative rep.

This will allow you to perform the exercise more frequently and help you load up on volume. You can set the pins at any level above the chest and you can choose either a shorter or greater range of motion. Set the pins high for a shorter rep is you feel like your common sticking point is near the top of the press. If your sticking point is off the chest then sett the pins very close to chest area and this will create more strength from the bottom.

The post Bench More: Get A Stronger Chest appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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