Thursday, August 18, 2016

Weight Loss With Super Foods As Your Best Options

Weight loss with super foods are far better solutions to burn those extra calories compared to taking fat-loss medicines and may have long-term damaging effects to the body.

Weight loss with super foods for better health

Getting slim and trim but most of the time are resolved to the idea of eating less to let the body burn fat. But science now suggests that burning fat can be more healthier and life-preserving by looking at superfoods to jumpstart your fat-burning potential.

Superfoods are whole foods that are packed with a powerhouse of nutrients and antioxidants that are more commonly found in nature.

However, it would be best to note that along with diet comes good exercise and rest, which should always be primary factors to consider to optimize your fat burning program.


This is one of nature’s superfoods that packs a lot of punch. Aside from the fact that it is rich in fiber and loaded with heart-healthy cancer-busting antioxidants, a Japanese research team discovered that it contains a fat-burning compound called 9-oxo-ODA.

Hot peppers

Not only does it add a kick to your foods, hot peppers are actually good for helping you trim off that excess fat. These include habaneros, jalapenos and chipotles, which are among the most common hot pepper varieties that are used as common ingredients.


There’s no better way to describe the phrase “spice of life” than symbolizing it with the spices that we use to season our food. Natural spices like black pepper, ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, curry and mustard seed, among many others, possess thermogenic properties that help boost metabolism.


As they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away and you may just want to add a couple more when you know that it can help you burn fat in the body. Apples have large amounts of pectin, a substance that binds with water to limit the cells from absorbing more fat. It is also high in fiber that makes you feel full longer.

You can best get these benefits by making sure that you find the organic ones, leave the skin on and to chew your apples well to get the maximum benefits.


The pear is related to the apple and as such, also contains a good amount of pectin to aid in optimized fat absorption. Just like with any other fruit, you can just take a bite out of it or make it as an ingredient for salads and other foods.

Green tea

Drinking green tea can help you shed off those unwanted fat. In a study recently published in The Journal of Nutrition researchers found that athletes who took in four to five cups of green tea daily coupled with exercise lost more body fat compared to a group of people with the same exercise routines but did not drink it only after two weeks. This is due to the antioxidant called catechins that help prevent body fat from being stored.


Snacking on almonds would give you one of the most natural fat-burners. Studies among the obese and overweight showed that having a quarter cup of almonds when combined with a calorie-restricted diet, showed a 62% reduction in weight after just two weeks.

The Journals of the International Society of Sports Nutrition claims that almonds are rich in the amino acid L arginine that burns fat and carbs during workouts.

Make sure that you incorporate these foods into your diet, not only will it give you ‘a lot of health benefits, it will also make you burn off those nagging and unsightly fat.

How To Boost Your Weight Loss With Super Foods

Infographic Provided By Karen Reed from Positive Health and Wellness.

The post Weight Loss With Super Foods As Your Best Options appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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