Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Developing Trap Muscles For Form And Strength

Developing trap muscles allow you to develop a strong upper body form, as well as makes your upper body appear balanced with the rest of your physique, but good trap form also requires a good set of exercises.

Developing trap muscles the right way

Of course, good shoulder form is characterized by having a good muscular structure that not only firms the muscles, but does more than just body form as it also adds strength and healthy muscles.

The secret to working the traps is not by carrying 200 pounds of sheer weight and pumping the traps, but it has to do more with tapping both the fast and slow twitch muscle fibers that can do you the best benefits.

Getting the ideal traps

For serious bodybuilders, the traps play a key role in helping define the right body structure and muscle groups that shape the rear delts and lower back. Once fully developed they can look very impressive and somewhat very intimidating.

What’s more, fully developed traps could be seen from almost any angle- front, sides and the back.

But where can you exactly find the traps? The trapezius muscles can be found in the sides of your neck and behind it. It is actually a huge muscle group and are even larger than the abdominal muscles.

It goes back up the neck and attaches the side and read deltoids, which then connect down the spine through the middle back.

The common functions of the traps are it raises up the scapulae, helps you turn the head, functions as a secondary muscle group for shoulder exercises and helps immensely in pulling movements and exercises.

Ideal trap movements

Doing the right lifting exercises and movements will let you maximize your program to develop your traps. It is important to know the right moves to not just get optimal results, but will also keep you away from harm or injury.

Hang Cleans

This involves powerful shrugs with heavy weights that is done during your usual shrug sets. This Olympic lifts, when done correctly, can do wonders for the traps. Perform 3 to 6 reps.

Dumbbell Snatch

Make sure that when this routine is done, the weight must travel in a straight line to avoid injury.

Start with the weight at shin level and hold the dumbbell in a hanging position with a long arm. Extend the body first with the arm the last to move. At the top of the extension, while engaging the shoulder to help project the weight upwards.

When the weight is near the top, stomp your feet and perform the catch as you reach to the top. This helps you move the hips as well.

It may take some bit of practice to do so, practice with a kettlebell swing first so you may be able to develop the strength and hip and thigh movement to perform the snatch.

Slowly bring down the weight and repeat the same process for 4 to 6 reps.

Farmer’s walk

The load on the Farmer’s walk is good enough to build the traps. Doing this is easy, All you need to do is hold two objects with arms extended and walk as far as you can carry it.

Upright rows

All you need to do is get a barbell and stand straight pulling the weights up to chest level. Do not pull any higher than your shoulder level to avoid injury.

Face pulls

This targets the middle traps and is a very effective one at that. Best done with a cable apparatus. All you need to do is hold the bar up to eye level and pull the cord back. Return slowly to the starting position and repeat steps.

Dead lifts

This is will help work the traps and other essential muscle groups as this is an overall body workout. Just make sure to do multiple repetitions and then start warming down.

Developing trap muscles may seem to be hard work, but just strive to keep on and continue to efforts as it will pay huge dividends soon enough.

The post Developing Trap Muscles For Form And Strength appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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