Monday, February 22, 2016

Ultimate Back Blast Routine

You have more knowledge about strength training than expert contestants on Jeopardy know about Shakespeare. However, despite all of your knowledge about fitness, you still might know not that you are actually doing more harm with some of your preferred back moves than good, which can strip your results away and possibly put you in danger of harming your back.

Fortunately, we are here to assist you. Keep reading to learn more about what the common mistakes are that are related to the four most popular back-building exercises in addition to the solutions to correct them. Once you are clear on those, you are ready to try out our back-boosting workout.

After you have become thoroughly familiar with those back-building blunders, then you have the confidence you need in order to take on this effective but challenge back program. Do it two times a week on nonconsecutive days and prepare to turn some heads in under one month.


Barbell Bent-Over Row

  • Muscles Targeted: rear deltoids, biceps brachii, trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi.
  • Blunder: Rounded back
  • Due To: Improper starting position
  • The Breakdown: According to Mike Hanley, CSCS, who owns the New Jersey-based Hanley Strength Systems, many individuals pick up the bar from the ground, round their back, and reach their arms and rotate their scapulae forward. As they are rowing, they remain like that.
  • How To Improve: Begin with the bar placed on the rack rather than the floor.Rachel Cosgrove, CSCS, who is a co-owner of the Southern California-based Results Fitness, says that you should next get into a ‘shortstop position.’ Your back should be straight, your chest should be high, your hips low and your knees bent.
  • Set Up: Stand while keeping your feet apart at hip-width, and use an overhand grip at shoulder-width on the barbell. Bend forward, while keeping your back straight, until your torso is at a 45 degree angle to the floor. Tighten your abs and draw together your shoulder blades.
  • Action: Drive your elbows back and up to smoothly pull the bar. Also keep your arms to your sides close in order to avoid using momentum. At peak contraction, pause for one count. Then return to your starting position slowly.

Wide-Grip Pulldown

  • Muscles Targeted: rear deltoids, trapezius, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi
  • Blunder: Leaning back too far when pulling the bar down
  • Due To: Excessive weight
  • Breakdown: According to Cosgrove, whenever too much weight is used, you begin pulling using your entire body rather than your back muscles being targeted. In addition, excessive weight pulls your arms out of the proper position, which causes you to push back your elbows and round your shoulders.
  • How To Improve: In order to lighten the weight, your shoulder blades should be pinched together and your focus should be on moving the bar towards your collarbone instead of your thighs. Cosgrove also adds that at all times you should keep your elbows under the back, and not backward or forward.
  • Set Up: The bar should be held with an overhand grip that is wider than shoulder-width. Your thighs should be secured underneath the pads. Slightly lift your chest and retract your shoulder blades.
  • Action: Smoothly pull the bar towards your chest, keep your chest lifted and drive your elbows down. Once the bar almost touches your collarbone, and then to start, reverse your actions.

Seated Cable Row

  • Muscles Targeted: latissimus dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids
  • Blunder: Pulling the weight be seesawing back and forth
  • Due To: Use of momentum and weak core muscles
  • Breakdown: Hanley says you need to have a strong core in order to stabilize yourself while you are rowing. If you use too much weight or your abdominals aren’t strong enough, it places you at risk for injury or spinal strain.
  • How To Improve: Cosgrove says, imagine somebody’s knee is in the middle of your back and is demanding that you sit up straight, and then lift your chest and engage your core as you are drawing the handle in. Keep your reps slow and reduce the weight.
  • Set Up: Sit at a row machine and use a neutral grip (with your palms facing one another) on a V-handle. Make sure to sit up tall, lift your chest, draw back your shoulder blades with your knees bent slightly.
  • Action: Your shoulders should be kept back and your torso steady as you are drawing the handle towards your stomach, with your elbows driven back and arms close with your side. The pause, and reverse slowly.

One-Arm Dumbbell Row

  • Muscles Targeted: trapezius, rear deltoids, rhomboids, latissimus dorsi
  • Blunders: Torquing and/or twisting of upper body and torso
  • Due To: Excessive weight
  • Breakdown: The fact that you adapt a lean while you are hoisting a dumbbell that is too heavy doesn’t just have an awkward appearance – it can be very dangerous as well. According to Cosgrove, when you twist you may end up using your trapezoids more than your lats. That can also put your spine and lower back in danger. Another factor is speed. You will be using momentum as well, which detracts on how effective the move is.
  • How To Improve: Use a lighter dumbbell and perform the exercise while you are facing a mirror. That way you can watch your form. Hanley offers this trick: Think of your shoulder blades tuck in your back pockets, draw them back and down, before you do the row. That will put them in the correct position and more back muscles will be engaged.
  • Set Up: Put one knee and hand onto a flat bench. In your other hand hold a dumbbell, Your palm should be acing in and your harm hanging down straight. Draw your shoulder blades into together towards your spine and flatten your back.
  • Action: Your elbow should be driven up as you lift the weight towards the side part of your rib cage. Keep your arm into your body close. When you get to the top of the motion, make sure that your shoulders are square. Pause one count, and then lower slowly.

The post Ultimate Back Blast Routine appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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