Friday, October 23, 2015

Pull Your Abs In With These Exercises

Most of us go to the gym to lose weight, but you know at some point you just can’t deny it – abs are the ultimate dream. Why not? Abs are sexy.

But it’s not that easy to achieve them. It takes a whole lot of a kickass workout and enough time per week, and most of us are busy with work and other activities that leave us to just an hour (probably even less!) of workout a day.

What happens? Well, some relies on a waist trainer and diet pills, and some just give up. But don’t be one of them! Here are some of the best moves you can try to achieve them on Prevention:

4 Moves That’ll Pull Your Abs In Better Than A Waist Trainer

Sure, those torture devices that promise to pull in your waist à la the dark ages—aka the “waist training” corsets that celebs like Kim Kardashian have been reportedly wearing—are a little tempting. (I mean, smaller waist, zero work, c’mon.) But since all-day pain isn’t really our thing—and we want a healthy, strong core that isn’t going to turn to mush the second we unhook our undergarments—we asked trainer Larysa DiDio to create the fastest, most effective waist workout that those of us in favor of, ya know, breathing comfortably, could do instead. Read more…

In particular, here are exercises that work best for men, and women, on Fitness Republic:

Ab Exercises for Men and Women Workouts

Everyone wants a flat stomach, regardless of your gender. However, the way you go about getting toned abs and a strong core will differ from males to females. According to a study published in the American Physiology Society in 2004, men have more fast twitch muscle fibers while women have more slow twitch muscle fibers. What this means is that women’s muscle fibers are more effective at conditioning and endurance when it comes to exercise while men’s muscle fibers are more naturally built to exhibit power. As a result, some flat stomach workouts that work for most men may not work as well for most women. For this reason, it is important to know some simple exercises for abs that are tailored to your specific muscle fiber and core strengths. Read more…

And if you’re really, really dying to get that six pack abs, here’s a very effective program by strength and conditioning coach David Sandler on Muscle and Fitness:


Everyone is talking about it, and the number of transformation challenges is greater than ever before. That’s right, the Summer Shred is around the corner. If you’re up for the challenge, then we have the perfect program to build a “V-taper” and make your abs pop. Getting ripped is about making sacrifices, and with shirtless months quickly approaching, the longer you wait, the more you will have to victimize your way of life by showing up late for the party. Minimize your pain and frustration by easing in to this program, cleaning up your diet, and hitting some supps to take you to the promised land. Read more…

But to really pull your abs in, you need to set your mind. Aside from following a good workout routine, you have to have self-discipline to stay away from processed foods that contribute to unwanted belly fats. You don’t necessarily need to go on a restrictive diet, just a balanced one is good. You don’t need waist trainers or diet pills, either.

You will also have to refrain from drinking alcohol, especially beer, every night, because of this thing called… You  know, beer belly.

The post Pull Your Abs In With These Exercises appeared first on NUTRITIONCLUB.


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