Wednesday, May 18, 2016

What You Need To Gain Muscle

If you are into fitness, you need to understand that nutrition is as equally important as the exercise and workout activities that you do so know what nutrients you could be lacking.

But do you know what nutrients you need to replenish or supplement when you burn calories, doing intense cardio and build muscle? Surely your body gets depleted with vital nutrients as it burns fuel, so make sure you are aware of these essential nutrients.


It has been studied that as the body continues to work out it also consumes your calcium nutrients in the body. It is essential to ensuring bone health, hormone production, helps promote proper function of the nervous system and strengthens the blood vessels.

As regular exercise helps boost bone integrity and mineralization, consistent high intensity workouts can cause decreased circulation of hormones, particularly estrogen that also results to an imbalance in calcium absorption.

Make sure to supplement on calcium with about 1000 – 1200 milligrams daily and ideal food sources of calcium are spinach, turnip greens, plain yoghurt, sardines, collard greens and fortified orange juice.

Vitamin D.

This plays a crucial role in the body’s absorption of calcium and phosphorus, It is also key to regulating calcium and is responsible for integrating calcium into the bone. It also helps regulate the immune and neuromuscular function of the body.

Recommended daily allowance for calcium is at 400 – 800 IU daily and while the sun is one of the most natural sources of this vitamin, other food sources are dairy products, wild salmon white fish, mackerel and fortified cereals.


It is responsible for ensuring the proper process of biochemical functions in the body that include immune function, muscular contractions, bone health and proper nerve functions.

Lack of magnesium reduces strength and energy, sudden fatigue and muscle cramps. It is also depleted through sweat so activity in hot or humid temperatures quickly draws out magnesium from the body, which needs between 400 to 800 milligrams daily.

Food sources of magnesium are spinach, bran cereal, swiss chard, black-eyed peas, pumpkin seeds, almonds, wild salmon and halibut.


This is essential for building and repairing muscle tissues and strengthens the immune system and not having enough zinc lowers down metabolism and stores unwanted fat in the body.

Ideal sources of zinc are seafood, beef, liver, lentils and wheat germ.


This is an electrolyte that helps in the normal function of internal organs. This is one of the minerals that can easily be sourced from foods like bananas, avocados, soy beans, almonds and prunes.

Vitamin C.

It helps the body fight off free radicals as a potent antioxidant and helps strengthen the body’s immune system from sickness and diseases.

Best sources of vitamin C are bell peppers, papaya, citrus fruits and fortified orange juice.   

The post What You Need To Gain Muscle appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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