Thursday, January 5, 2017

This Works Wonders: Fish Oil Good For Your Heart

Particle News talks about fish oil and more evidence about its great benefits. Health experts, doctors and nutritionists have encouraged the public to eat more fish. The health fats in fish (omega-3) lowers the risk of heart diseases and other cardiovascular problems.

The recent American dietary guidelines suggest eating more fatty fish every week. This may be due to the fact that half of Americans don’t eat any fist at all or they just consume it from time to time. 

As of late, there’s been confusion about the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. Does it actually promote heart health and decrease cases of heart problems?

Here’s Even More Evidence That Fish Oil Is Good for You  

Doctors and health officials have long urged the public to eat more fish, since the healthy fats in fish-primarily from the omega-3 family-tend to lower risk of heart attacks and other heart problems. In fact, the most recent dietary guidelines recommend that Americans eat more fatty fish per week. (About half of Americans don’t eat any fish at all, or consume it only occasionally.) Read more… says that 34 studies on EPA and DHA from food and supplements discovered that the omega-3 fats have the capacity to reduce cardiovascular problems. There’s just one tiny little detail: the study was supported by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED). These are makers and marketers of fish oil products. However, based on the study authors, they did not play any part in the interpretation of the results.

The analysis involved standard clinical trials. The participants were randomly picked and assigned to take the omega-3s or not. They were monitored for any outcomes concerning heart diseases. Population-based studies were also examined, as it identified trends among people. The results indicated that those who consumed the supplement in the population studies decreased their risk significantly by 18%.

Clinical Trial Outcomes

The analysis included gold-standard clinical trials—in which people were randomly assigned to take omega-3s or not, then followed for their heart disease outcomes—as well as population-based studies, which looked for trends among people eating or taking omega-3s and those who did not over longer periods of time. Overall, those consuming more fish oil in the population studies lowered their risk by 18%. Read more… delves deeper into the clinical trials. The subjects who are high at risk of developing heart disease appear to benefit more. Those who have high triglyceride levels, coronary heart disease risk decreased by 16%, and 14% for those with high LDL cholesterol.

Though this is the case, experts say that the population studies may have favored toward finding the benefits. This may be due to the fact that people who take the healthy fatty acids may engage in healthier behaviors like exercising consistently, eating well, and avoiding bad habits like smoking.

Fish Oil Benefits

Ongoing clinical trials looking at the effect of omega-3 supplements on heart disease risk—and taking into account the potential effects of things like exercise and diet—may provide a more definitive answer on whether fish oil pills are really worth the money. Until then, heart experts say it’s best to stick with the natural sources by eating at least two servings of salmon, tuna or other fatty fish a week. Read more…

The trials are still ongoing and research continues. Meanwhile, heart experts encourage the public to stick with natural sources of healthy fatty acids.

The post This Works Wonders: Fish Oil Good For Your Heart appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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