If a genie were to puff himself out of a lamp right now and make me master of any one cooking skill (genies are so specialized nowadays!), I know exactly what I’d ask for. No, I don’t want to make a chocolate soufflé so amazing you’d weep over your fork. (Well, I do want that. Yes, I do.) And no, I don’t want the ability to make the world’s butteriest, flakiest croissants. (Well, again, I do. But, priorities!)
You know what I really want? To be really, really good at meal planning. After years of trying to establish the habit, I’m just now getting the hang of it. Here are five things that, had I known them from the beginning, would have made the whole thing a lot easier.
from Cornelius Steinbeck Blog

from WordPress
from Jonathan Wilhoite
from Tumblr
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