Thursday, March 2, 2017

Best Exercises For Power: Tips For A Stronger Body

It may be tough for some athletes to choose the best ways how to maintain strength and conditioning. There are numerous tips and strategies from coaches but making a choice can be difficult for some. That’s why we’ve gathered just some of the best strength exercises for you to check and decide.

Power cleans

According to, power cleans help athletes maintain power. It is a great way to improve explosiveness and strength. If you’re someone who can manage this one, then turn this into a habit.

Front squats

Front squats are essential in improving your quad-strength and body mobility. It is a good anterior core exercise. It is highly recommended to perform a front squat cycle for 2-3months if you have weak abs. This makes you stronger, and stabilizes your core muscles. This exercise is responsible for increasing body mobility. Front squats help enhance mobility in areas like your ankle, knee, hip and spine. Include this in your strengthening exercise program.

Trap Bar Dead Lift

This is important if you want to maximize your strength around your posterior chain. Mobility can be an issue for some athletes as they may not have the strength capacity in the posterior area to do conventional dead lifts. This is where the trap bar dead lift comes in.

You can start with an inclined trunk position when you use high handles. This gives the trap bar dead lift the opportunity to dominate the posterior chain.

If mobility is a problem for you, the trap bar dead lift can be a good way to start as it strengthens your hips.    

Close-Grip Bench Press

This is the best exercise for developing strength in your upper-body. Make sure to keep your arms in tight close enough to the body. This lets you maximize leverage together with your legs, trunk and upper body.  You can be even stronger than your competition! 

Resisted Push-ups

Heavy resisted push-ups can tie strength together by unifying the upper and lower body. A push-up executed with a stable core and neutral spine alignment can benefit your anterior core. You can crank it up if you fix your position through the neck as well.

Scapular stability is another benefit from push-ups. You can actively control the scapulae positioning. Simply make sure that they are in the right place at the right and move them appropriately.

Your rotator cuff strength and stability can be well-developed if you do pushups. You can start with 2-3 sets, and you’ll be good to go.


Athletes who put a lot of emphasis on pushing and pressing without upper back work may experience problems in the future. Chin-ups can be a good additional activity to balance out pushing and pressing exercises. 

The lower trapezius is a shoulder stabilizer and facilitates one-third of the upward rotation force couple. Chin-ups help develop this important muscle.

In order to execute this exercise well, you can focus first on getting your chest closer to the bar and then proactively depressing your scapulae down.

To get maximum benefits from your strength training program, include chin-ups in your routine to strengthen your upper back

Plate Jump

This involves forcefully swinging weights. Your body tends to be pulled by the weight by going upward and forward. A word of caution: the body must have the same speed as the weights. If not, you’ll fall over. 

Before you start, prepare 10-pound plates for both hands while standing upright. Swing the plates backward first. Then, as a countermovement, let your body bend downward. When you begin the jump, swing the plates forward and upward. Make sure to reach the head-level when you swing the plates. Let the weight carry you as you throw them forward. You can do 8-12 jumps for 3-4 sets.

Frog Squat Jump

This variation enables the body to create a great amount of force in no time.

Get a dumbbell. Start with standing upright. Hold one side of the dumbbell using both hands. The other end of the dumbbell should be facing downward.

Relax your arms and hand them down once you’ve descended. Slowly squat back and maintain your knees. Make sure to keep your lower back flat. The dumbbell should touch the ground between your feet. Once this happens, think of it as the trigger. Jump straight and hard as soon as you feel the dumbbell touching the ground. Take note as well: you shouldn’t bend your arms during the jump.

You can do this exercise for 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps.

Box Squat Jump

The box is the one supporting the weight of the body and dumbbell, not the muscles. This kind of workout tends to rely more on your initial strength. When you start, place the dumbbell across the shoulders. The position of the elbows should be facing straight ahead. The fingers should be on top of the dumbbell.

Plant the back of your heels against the box. Sit way back and do not round your lower back. Keep a flat and tight position. Relax your hip flexors as you sit but make sure to keep everything else tight. Jump as hard and as fast as possible. Reset after your jump.

You can perform this for 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps. 

Dumbbell Swing Threw Jump

This is quite the combo for Dumbbell Swing and Pull Through. The key is to reach as far back as possible when you descend and start the jump using the hips, not the arms.

Your stance should be wider that your shoulder width. Hold one side of the dumbbell using both hands.

This time, you have to swing the dumbbell down and backward between your legs. You should drop your head and reach as far back as possible. When you execute the jump, you are throwing your hips forward and up, while leaving the weight behind. The hips will extend and this helps the speed of the swinging dumbbell. During the late part of the jump, a great amount of force will be created.

You can do this for 3 sets of 6-10 reps.

Are you pumped up yet? Get ready to start your routine with these strength boosting exercises!

The post Best Exercises For Power: Tips For A Stronger Body appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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