Thursday, June 9, 2016

Powerhouse Medicine Ball Moves For Your Core Strength

Medicine ball moves for your core also provide good balance and stability compared to dumbbells and kettlebells, as well as giving you easy movements that can provide a wider range of motion for several muscle groups at a given time.

Power packed medicine ball moves for your core

Medicine ball routines can also help focus attention in strengthening the core muscles to help you get ripped abs. Try to pick two to three moves in a day and try different movements the following day. You can alternate the different varieties to make it more fun

Medicine ball crunch – lie down on the floor with knees bent and hold the medicine ball with your arms extended overhead. Squeeze your ab muscles as you sit up and moving the medicine ball towards your foot until eye level. Do 10 to 16 reps.

Russian twist with medicine ball – sit on the floor with knees bent as you hold the medicine ball. Lean back 45 degrees to the floor and let only your heels touch the floor to stabilize your position. Rotate to the right bring the ball to your right side, return back to original position then rotate to the left. Do this for 10 to 15 reps.

Medicine ball woodchopper – standing with the legs apart hold the medicine ball with both hands and rotate your body diagonally to one side and reaching to the other side with an upwards motion. Do 12 reps on each side.

Med ball plank – hold the medicine ball with both hands and assume a high plank position with the med ball placed on the floor supporting your upper body. Keeping the abs tight, hold the position for 60 seconds.

Med ball mountain climbers – assume a med ball plank position, then execute mountain climbers. Make sure to secure your plank position in place by pressing on the med ball with your hands by engaging  your core to prevent from slipping to either side.  Sustain the move for 1 minute.

Reverse medicine ball plank – assume a med ball plank position but this time use your feet to hold the medicine ball. Hold the position by engaging your core to prevent your legs from moving to avoid falling. Hold the position for 1 minute.

Medicine ball boat balance – sit on the floor and bring your feet up the floor until your lower legs are parallel to the floor. Lean back slightly and place the medicine ball in between your shins, while both arms are extended sidewards. Hold the position for 1 minute.

Med ball twist – sit on the floor with legs up and rotate the body while holding the ball on each side. Do twelve alternating reps on each side.

Med ball toe touch – lying down on the floor, bring your legs up until it is perpendicular to the ground. Holding the medicine ball overhead, swing the ball to reach up to the toes by using your upper torso let the ball reach your toes. Do 10 to 12 reps.

Superman with med ball pass – lie face down on the floor with the body straight with legs and chest off the floor. Roll the medicine ball overhead from one hand to the other. Continue the passes for 1 minute.

Work on these medicine ball moves for your core strength training and let you get those ripped abs in no time.

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