Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Excessive Overtime Could Be Bad For Your Health

It’s just not worth it. Spending long hours at work to try and make ends meet could end up causing you more harm than good, as studies have shown that people who work long hours stand to have greater risks of developing heart disease.

This was recently published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, where chances of getting a heart attack increases by 33% with 65 hours of work clocked in a week, compared to the standard 40-hour work week.

The study conducted by the University of Texas Health Science Center, pointed out that there are likely combination of factors with working extended hours and linking it with heart problems.

Study author Sadie Conway pointed out that this lethal combination not  limited to stress, mental pressure and lack of rest can definitely put the hear in danger.

Dr. John Higgins, a sports cardiologist, supported this idea as he pointed out that job-related stress takes its toll on the body by raising high levels of cortisol and adrenaline that increases blood pressure and cholesterol in the body.

“Long-term elevated cortisol levels are often associated with increased risks of heart, attack, strokes and heart failure,” Dr. Higgins added.

Other than the chemical reactions that take place in the body that adds credence to the risks, there’s also a large propensity for developing a bad lifestyle habit that is associated with extended hours at work.

Spending less time to focus on preparing healthy meals at home often ends up in grabbing fast food when needing to spend longer hours at work or time lost for working out in the gym.

Longer hours at work also means shorter time for rest and recovery, especially getting good and quality sleep which essential for the human body to properly function and triggering the immune system to ward off sickness and diseases.

Then it all goes downhill from there, according to Dr. Higgins, as sleep deprivation is scientifically associated to cardiovascular risk factors like high blood pressure, weight gain, diabetes and unhealthy eating habits.

So if you think about doing extra hours of work for a few dollars more, consider the dangers that could cause you to spend more on your hospital bills that would cost more than what you have saved.

The post Excessive Overtime Could Be Bad For Your Health appeared first on NUTRITION CLUB CANADA.


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