Many of you have asked, is it really possible to build muscle and shed all that bulky fat at the same time? Of course, it is possible! It’s quite an arduous task but absolutely attainable.
Age plays a big factor when trying to lose fat while gaining muscle at the same time. For people under 30s, they had it easier since their body is still quite receptive to change compared to the middle-aged.
So if you belong to the younger age group, take advantage of your flexible body. NSCA trainer Nick Clayton, C.S.C.S has created a simple routine that you can do at home or at school:
The Dorm Room Workout
“Whether you’re headed in to your freshman year or 2016 is the year you get to throw your cap in the air, college students share many common goals. In between all that studying (and drinking, and partying) you’re hopefully making time to stay—or get—in shape.
But college gyms range in quality from incredibly luxe hot spots that have every single piece of fitness equipment, classes, and more you could possibly ask for—to, well, not so fancy places. And even if your weight room is on the nicer side of the spectrum, there are some days you just don’t feel like leaving your dorm room. And you don’t have to.
This routine, created by NSCA trainer Nick Clayton, C.S.C.S., can be done in the comfort of your college “home.” You’ll need a kettlebell, chair, door pullup bar OR home TRX, resistance band, and a couple gallons of water (or fill them with sand.) Do these routines each 1 to 2 days per week on non-consecutive days.“ Read More …
Commonly, people interchange losing weight to losing fat. But in truth, there is a big difference between these two. Becky Miller from
Livestrong has expounded this on her article:
Difference Between Losing Weight and Losing Fat
There is a big difference between losing weight and losing fat. Your goal should never be to lose weight, but instead should always be to lose fat. When you lose weight, you lose a little bit of everything–fat, muscle, fluids, organ size. You want the majority of your weight loss to come from fat, not the other stuff. If you are only concerned with seeing a smaller number on the scale, you may be losing valuable muscle instead, which will result in long-term weight–meaning fat–gain. Read more…
For some who are very determined on building muscle and shedding fat off their body, they follow a very strict diet.
Wayne Griffins shares some of the best food to eat when building a toned physique:
Top 10 Foods to Gain Muscle Mass
What if I told you that you could gain more muscle mass with less training? Or retain more muscle mass with less training? And even gain/retain more strength with less training? The secret is nutrition.
As a personal trainer, most of my clients exhibit this behaviour: they train hard, but they don’t give a heck about nutrition. So the time and effort they spend on training is wasted. Why? Because they think nutrition is complicated and they avoid the topic. I understand perfectly, because I used to be like that as well.
But we need to train smart. This means knowing how nutrition works and how to utilize it for your own fitness and strength gains. This works for anyone and everyone, be it for general fitness maintenance or muscle mass gain.
To get you started, here is my list of the top ten foods to help you gain more muscle mass and strength. Read more…
There are many different ways on how to build muscle and shed fat off the body. While some routine might work, others might not. But as long as you persevere, sooner or later you can achieve your goal on having a toned and healthy body.
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